How to Clean White Converse Shoes & Remove Yellow Stains is reader supported. This page uses affiliate links and when you lot click on an affiliate link, and make a purchase, we receive a small compensation at no toll to you. Run across our disclosure policy for more data.

Few shoes are quite as iconic as the Converse brand, or as they are lovingly known, "Chucks." The original high and low tops can be dressed up or downwards and are well-loved by lifters as a swell gym shoe. Available in multiple colors, patterns, and materials, the classic white Antipodal is the epitome of freshness and cleanness when added to whatsoever outfit.

As with all white shoes, their expect comes with a toll. They can get muddy speedily and commencement looking dingy. Luckily, how to clean white Converse tin exist quick and easy.

Below we walk through a few methods for cleaning both canvass and leather Antipodal. Nosotros also hash out how you tin can protect your Converse shoes and a few things to avert when attempting to make clean them.

Cleaning archetype canvass Chucks

The Chuck Taylor All-Star has been around for over 100 years, debuting in 1917 as a basketball shoe. The Chuck Taylor heel patch was added in 1937 and has remained in that location to the present day.

Many people think of the canvas Chuck as like to Vans. In reality, they actually are recommended to exist cleaned quite differently.

Keeping them white begins with treating them with a stain repellent before use. If you lot have already worn yours, we will go over how to make clean them thoroughly and so treat them with the repellent to proceed future stains at bay.

Hither's a list of the products you will need:

  • White Newspaper Towels
  • Balmy Dish Lather (Unscented)
  • Make clean Cloths
  • Toothbrush
  • Oxygen Cleaner (Optional)

Most, if not all, of these products, will be ones you lot already take at home. Now that you accept your products assembled, information technology is time to start cleaning.

Follow the below steps for how to clean white Converse.

  1. Remove laces.
  2. Mix a little dish soap in a container of warm h2o. Soak laces in the container.
  3. Dip a clean cloth in the lather and water mixture. Wipe downward the entire outside of each shoe, gently scrubbing at whatsoever dirt or stains.
  4. Moisten a toothbrush with the soap and water mixture. Use the toothbrush to scrub any spots or crevices with dirt in them. Move in small circular motions.
  5. Moisture a clean material with warm water and wipe shoes again, removing whatever balance soap and clay.
  6. Stuff white paper towels in shoes to help them retain shape while drying.
  7. Identify in a cool, room-temperature place to dry.
  8. Rinse shoelaces under running water and lay flat to dry.

Easy! This will work for your general dirty white Converse sneakers.

If they are stained or need some actress assist, you tin can make a paste with the oxygen cleaner and use the toothbrush to employ and scrub gently. Leave the paste on for a few minutes to permit it work out the stain. Then rinse and dry as usual.

Clean Converse Shoe Laces

Cleaning leather Converse sneakers

Cleaning your leather sneakers volition exist similar to how you would make clean sheet Chucks with merely a few minor tweaks. You will want to avoid using oxygen cleaner on leather as it can bleach and discolor the leather.

Y'all likewise want to apply the toothbrush on the soles of the shoes just, not the leather. Below are the products you lot demand for cleaning leather Converse:

  • White newspaper towels
  • Balmy Dish Lather (Unscented)
  • Make clean cloths
  • Toothbrush

Except for the oxygen cleaner, the products are the same. The process is similar as well. To clean your sneakers:

  1. Remove laces.
  2. Mix dish soap in a container of warm water. Soak shoelaces in the container while cleaning your shoes.
  3. Moisten a clean cloth in soap and water mixture. Wipe down the entire exterior of each shoe, gently scrubbing at any clay or stains. Microfiber cloths piece of work nifty hither.
  4. Moisture a toothbrush with lather and water mixture. Employ the toothbrush to scrubonly the sole of the shoes. A toothbrush's bristles could cause vesture to the leather.
  5. Moisture a clean cloth with warm water and wipe shoes again. This will assist remove whatsoever residue soap and dirt.
  6. Stuff white paper towels in the shoes to retain their shape while drying.
  7. Identify in a cool, room temperature place to dry.
  8. Rinse the shoelaces under running h2o and and so lay flat to dry.

As easy as information technology is to clean your white Converse sneakers, it is even easier to treat them after cleaning to help prevent clay and stains from sticking in the hereafter. The easy process is below. All that is required is a can of sneaker protector or waterproofer spray that you lot tin find online or at many retailers.

Protecting your white Converse

Whether canvas or leather, keeping your sneakers white should get-go with a adept coat of sneaker protector. Ideally, you want to do this when they are straight out of the box, just cleaning them after wearing and protecting them can also piece of work. The process is super unproblematic.

Choose the product for your detail shoe, leather or sheet. Make certain your shoes are make clean and dry then follow these directions:

  1. Hold the can 7-ten inches from your shoe and spray the entire surface evenly and thoroughly.
  2. Let dry at room temperature for 1 hr.
  3. Echo application once more.
  4. Dry out thoroughly before wearing.

A piffling prevention will go a long way. Protecting your Converse shoes volition reduce the number of times you need to clean them and make cleaning them next fourth dimension fifty-fifty more effortless.

What not to do when cleaning your white Converse

So let's but quickly bear upon on the ii things yous should not do to clean white Antipodal.

  1. First, do not throw them in the washer and dryer. The washer can start to break downward the adhesive in the shoe, and the dryer tin crusade the shoes to compress and fit oddly.
  2. 2nd, you can wash your shoelaces in a mesh lingerie pocketbook simply should non put them in the dryer. The heat of the dryer tin can cause the plastic tips at the stop of the laces to melt.

Oft asked questions about cleaning white Converse

Can I put my white Converse in the washing machine?

No, you should not put your white Converse in a washing car. Converse'due south support site cautions against doing this, for canvas, leather, synthetic, and suede shoe models.

Tin can I put my white Converse in the dryer?

No, y'all should never put your white Converse in a dryer. As advised past Antipodal'south support site. This will ultimately damage the shoe and increase the breakdown rate of the adhesives used to hold the shoe together.

Does Converse offering warranties on their shoes?

Yes, when ordered from There is a 30 twenty-four hours return period in the event the shoe has been used and across this period if the shoes accept not been used. If ordered from a different outlet, seek their individual render policies.

How to remove yellowish stains from white Converse?

Similar other materials, white Antipodal sneakers are subject to oxidation. Y'all can help protect your white Converse by using white, not-gel-based toothpaste and toothbrush. Utilize a tiny dab of toothpaste and slowly work information technology into the fabric with your toothbrush until the discoloration begins to fade away. Let it rest for v-ten minutes and then apply a clean army camp fabric to wipe off the dried toothpaste.

White Converse sneakers are an iconic shoe that has been around 100 years and will be going strong for probably some other hundred more. If you desire to proceed those beauties looking bright white and spotless, then follow the tips and steps above to clean and protect them, and then they are ever looking their best, whether dressed up or down.

With the ease of how to make clean white Converse, they should be vivid and clean for every outfit!